The “General terms and condition of sale and guarantee” for vehicles and ancillaries shall apply at all times, save where they differ from the special conditions governing online reservations below.




The following terms and conditions apply to all activities between the consumer and Falcomotive BV.

For the purposes of the special conditions the terms below are defined in the following manner:

- Special Conditions: the present conditions and all supplements and amendments to them.

- Reservation: the consumer may reserve a vehicle through the website. The actual purchase and paperwork are handled thereafter in a physical showroom belonging to Falcomotive BV.

- Consumer: a user of the website who reserves one or more vehicles / articles and has reached the age of 18.

- Falcomotive: FALCOMOTIVE BV is listed with the Kruispuntbank der Ondernemingen [Crossroads Bank of Enterprises] under company number 0744.690.675, is headquartered at 3545 HALEN, Meldertsestraat 8, and trades under the “Falcomotive” trade name. This is the legal person that offers the products or services to the consumer.

- Website: A collection of related web pages. The website can be accessed via the URL and is operated by Falcomotive BV. The website is used to offer the ability to reserve vehicles.


These special conditions govern the safety and contractual relations implied by the transactions between the consumer and Falcomotive BV. When the consumer reserves vehicles on the Website, he confirms that he has read and accepted the special terms and conditions of use. These terms and conditions apply to consumers when using the website in or outside Belgium.



Through the website Falcomotive sells new vehicles, used vehicles and classic cars.

The information on the vehicles and prices and the general information on online reservation is subject to alteration and correction. Falcomotive takes every step to ensure the accuracy and transparency of its communication. Wherever information is found to be incorrect, incomplete or outdated it will be altered as necessary in the shortest possible delay, without providing the consumer with explicit notice thereof.


The technical specifications and images displayed in relation to vehicles are not binding, but are merely approximations, and they are provided by Falcomotive purely by way of indication.

Some models, parts and accessories may differ slightly from the actual condition.

Vehicle colours are always stated as accurately as possible, but are not binding and are given purely by way of indication. Falcomotive cannot guarantee the true rendition of colour on every PC, tablet or smartphone screen.



Consumers may use the website to reserve vehicles in return for a reservation fee of EUR 500.00.

In such cases Falcomotive will block the sale of the vehicle for a period of three (3) working days.


A customer may reserve two (2) vehicles maximum through the website and will be required to pay a fee of EUR 500.00 per reservation.


On reservation, the consumer will be invited by Falcomotive to come and view the vehicle within a term of three (3) working days.


After the viewing the consumer may either purchase the vehicle, add options or purchase another vehicle.

If the customer purchases the vehicle or another vehicle, this is confirmed by signing a sale agreement, and the amount of EUR 500.00 is deducted from the purchase price.


If the customer decides not to purchase a vehicle and notifies Falcomotive of this decision, or fails to respond within 3 working days of the vehicle's reservation, the reservation fee is released in favour of Falcomotive.


All reservations are subject to fluctuations in stock. Falcomotive cannot guarantee the availability of all vehicles shown on the website, given the very real chance of several customers reserving/purchasing the same car at the same time.

If a vehicle is out of stock, Falcomotive will notify the consumer and reserves the right to cancel the reservation.

In such a case Falcomotive will inform the consumer within 48 hours of reservation.

In such a case the consumer is entitled to a reimbursement of the reservation fee, which Falcomotive will arrange within 30 days.


Falcomotive reserves the right to cancel the reservation in the following cases:

  • If the reservation fee is not paid within 3 days of reservation
  • If in the 3 working days after making the reservation and paying the reservation fee the consumer remains unavailable at the contact addresses provided (address, telephone number, email address, etc.), and Falcomotive is unable to obtain a response with a view to arranging the paperwork within another 3 working days.
  • a case of force majeure.




If the consumer opts to pay by bank transfer, he is sent the payment details immediately, by the payment partner, Mollie.

Once the consumer makes the payment, he is sent confirmation by email.


All prices quoted on the Website are inclusive of VAT. All prices are quoted in EUR. The price is not inclusive of road tax, registration tax, financing costs, extra accessories or insurances of any kind.


Falcomotive may only be bound by a technical error in the showing of a price, if the price shown could reasonably have been expected for the vehicle in question. The consumer will be notified in the shortest possible delay.



Falcomotive is not responsible for disrupted availability or access to the Website, for disruptions caused by the computer system, viruses or other inconveniences or for damage in the broadest sense of the word caused by making use of the Website.



All agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply, and all other agreements arising therefrom, are subject exclusively to Belgian law.


An amicable agreement will be sought in every dispute over the validity, interpretation or performance of agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply, and all other agreements arising therefrom. If a party is of the opinion that an amicable agreement cannot be reached, the parties expressly agree that all disputes over agreements to which these general terms and conditions apply, and all other agreements arising therefrom, will fall under the sole jurisdiction of the Courts of Limburg, division of Hasselt.



The buyer may email changes or complaints in relation to the order to (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00) or contact Falcomotive at